Monday, September 13, 2010

I Want to be a Kitty!

Out of all the superpowers someone could have, the superpower I would want is Animal Mimicry. Being able to take on the abilities of any animal known to man kind would be spectacular. Imagine being able to soar over a huge ocean like a Giant Eagle, and then suddenly be able to dive into the water and swim around like Great White Shark attacking everything that gets in your way! Or if you are needing to get somewhere as fast as possible you take the abilities of a Cheetah so you can run at super speed. Also if someone is in danger you could get the abilities of a grizzly bear and be able to be vicious and strong to defend the poor person in danger. Defective work would also be easy! You could get the brain and sneekiness or a fox and be able to discover what you are looking for! Being able to take the abilities of any animal would be a huge help to man kind as well as being extremely fun!