Friday, October 15, 2010

Punctuation Situation

     "IT'S 4 IN THE MORNING!" screamed Hermione, "WHERE WERE YOU ALL NIGHT?"
     "I was lingering around the bar, what does it even matter to you?" exclaimed Ronald in a miserable voice.
     Hermione gave him the most evil glare as she hissed at him, "Well considering I am your wife, do you not think I should know where you are at 4am!"
     "You have absolutely no say on where I am or what i'm doing" muttered Ronald, "it's my bloody life!"
     "If you would just communicate with me there wouldn't be as many issues, but if you continue on just coming home at whatever time your little heart desires, with out telling me, this marriage will be over."
     "So if that's how it's going to be we might as well end it right now!" growled Ronald under his breath.
     Hermione stared at him and noted "It wouldn't even as been so bad if you didn't get home and read your damn newspaper, and wake me up with the light!"
     "Oh well, it's just your sleep that's getting affected, it doesnt really matter to me."
     That's it! screeched Hermione furiously, "I've had enough of you! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"
Ronald just looked at Hermione gave her the most disgusted look and stomped out of her house.