Sunday, November 28, 2010

I turned around looking at a man in disgust. There is nothing in this world that bugs me as much as people trying to look like a cowboy, when they really have no reason too! A real cowboys face looks like hard worked leather, but he had the skin of a baby. He carried around a gun to try to prove himself. This man had no idea what he was doing. I thought to myself, "Why do people even bother showing there faces at a rodeo, if they're are just going to stand there like a poser?" His fake unshaped cowboy hat, and tacky western shirt, which really didn't look like a western shirt, finished off his entire terrible look. I was highly disappointed to see someone like him. But at the same time he looked like a miserable man, with the look of a pitbull on his face, so from that I decided not to waste another moment of my life looking at this man.

Song Analysis

Plowin' these fields in the hot summer sun
Over by the gate lordy here she comes
With a basket full of chicken and a big cold jug of sweet tea
I make a little room and she climbs on up
Open up the throttle and stir a little dust
Just look at her face she ain't a foolin' me

She thinks my tractor's sexy
It really turns her on
She's always starin' at me
While I'm chuggin' along
She likes the way it's pullin' while we're tillin' up the land
She's even kind of crazy 'bout my farmer's tan
She's the only one who really understands what gets me
She thinks my tractor's sexy

We ride back and forth 'til we run out of light
Take it to the barn put it up for the night

Climb up in the loft sit and talk with the radio on
She said she's got a dream and I asked what it is
She wants a little farm and a yard full of kids
And one more teeny weeny ride before I take her home

She thinks my tractor's sexy
It really turns her on
She's always starin' at me
While I'm chuggin' along
She likes the way it's pullin' while we're tillin' up the land
She's even kind of crazy 'bout my farmer's tan
She's the only one who really understands what gets me
She thinks my tractor's sexy

Well she ain't into cars or pickup trucks
But if it runs like a Deere man her eyes light up

She thinks my tractor's
She thinks my tractor's sexy
It really turns her on
She's always starin' at me
While I'm chuggin' along
She likes the way it's pullin' while we're tillin' up the land
She's even kind of crazy 'bout my farmer's tan
She's the only one who really understands what gets me

She thinks my tractor's sexy
She thinks my tractor's sexy
She thinks my tractor's sexy

Beyond the ridiculous title "She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney, the song is bursting with poetic devices. Parallel Structure is throughout the entire song repeating the lines "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy." Considering the song is sung from the mouth of a redneck, talking "bout' [his] farmers tan" the whole song is written with informal language. "It really turns her on, she's always starin' at me, while i'm chuggin' along," sets the mood as very light and humorous. The third stanza in the song has meter, the lines alternate by having 10 syllables and 11 syllables. The phrase "teeny weeny" is an example of internal rhyme through one line. The chorus of the song is free verse, there is no rhyme or meter within it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Dear person who reads the college applications,

I am a mystical being, often found riding unicorns with Harry Potter, while fighting Lord Voldemort. In one day I have wooed thousands or woman with my sexy tractor. In one week I have taught a llama to play the banjo. In one month I have sent over 5000 text messages.

Occasionally I defeat large troops of dementors, using only a toothpick, on my lunch hour. On Mondays I do pilates with my cat. On Wednesdays I help the poor and unfortunate. On Thursdays I go cow-tipping with Megan Fox. On Saturdays I run to Australia and back just to stay in shape.

Twitter is not necessary in my life, because I am already following you. The face in Facebook is my face.

On my Journey to Germany, I froliced through a forest, I ate Schnitzel, and I found Hitler. On my way back to Canada from Germany I found platform 9 and 3/4, I didn't go through the wall to get to the train, the wall went around me.

My intelligence sparkles more then Edward Cullen's skin, my confidence shines more then the bald head of Mr. VanCamp and my punctuality glistens stronger then a rooster in the morning.

If this application doesn't woo you people, i'm sure my tractor will.