Sunday, November 28, 2010

I turned around looking at a man in disgust. There is nothing in this world that bugs me as much as people trying to look like a cowboy, when they really have no reason too! A real cowboys face looks like hard worked leather, but he had the skin of a baby. He carried around a gun to try to prove himself. This man had no idea what he was doing. I thought to myself, "Why do people even bother showing there faces at a rodeo, if they're are just going to stand there like a poser?" His fake unshaped cowboy hat, and tacky western shirt, which really didn't look like a western shirt, finished off his entire terrible look. I was highly disappointed to see someone like him. But at the same time he looked like a miserable man, with the look of a pitbull on his face, so from that I decided not to waste another moment of my life looking at this man.

1 comment:

  1. Good effort, Angelica. I like the parallel structure in your college application. Descriptive paragraph needs a bit more focus on similies and metaphors. Overall writing is quite polished - only a few mechanical errors. 31/36
