Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Promiscous Girls

     The girls at Princess Margaret set a perfect example of how girls should act. While walking through the halls hearing all the girls talking about how drunk they got on the weekend and their "accidents" with certain people is so excellent to hear. It's so nice to know that the girls in our school set a wonderful reputation for our school, being known as trashy party girls. I hope all the girls in every school are like the ones here! Being easy is always the best way to get boyfriends, by the end of the school year, most girls can go through about 20 boyfriends, even though most don't last more then a week. The girls here enjoy stealing items from stores such as Walmart and Dollar Giant in their free time. I commemorate them for getting what they want by being sneaky, it's clearly the best thing to do. All in all, the girls at Maggie, have a wonderful reputation, that all girls should want to live up to.

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